Here’s a batch of illustrations featuring the iconic Facebook logo. Well, to be more specific, it’s a full set that includes logos, app icons, and like buttons of that well-known social networking brand. You know, this Facebook thing just might take off…
Metal and glass Facebook logos (the first set)
The following is my first set of Facebook logo illustrations (inspired by my Apple logo and Twitter logo sets). The set that started it all! I had actually never planned to create these images, but somebody I work with had asked me to create a Facebook logo for him to use in a report he was writing. And then that image let to another, and then another, and then…it just sort of took off. I’ve got a lot of these stock images in my archives now.
This assortment of images contains metallic Facebook logos depicting the following metaphors: addiction, networking, transportation, and love. I’ve also included a couple stylized versions of the stand-alone logo as well.
Here’s a retro image with an old iPhone 3GS that I just don’t have the heart to delete:
The second set of metal and glass logos
Shortly after creating the first batch (above), I couldn’t leave well enough alone and I had to create more. This set of free stock images contains metallic Facebook logos posed with various objects. Objects such as:
- An open metallic briefcase
- A large brass key
- Twitter logos
- An open laptop computer
- An upright map of the world on a blue reflective surface
- A silver microphone
- An overturned office building
- A pile of chrome metallic screws, nuts, bolts, and springs
- A large red and white lifesaver
- A large magnifying glass
- An overturned trash can
- A simple welcome mat
I hope you will find them useful for your blogs, websites, reports, or any other templates you are working on.
Facebook app icon illustrations
For some reason or another I just can’t ever seem to “finish” this series. After each set, I always tell myself that I’m done and that there is really no point in making additional illustrations. However, social media is such a hot topic these days and new ideas relating to Facebook logo illustrations are popping into my head all the time. I just can’t stop!
The idea for this particular collection of illustrations was something that I have been tinkering with for a while, and I finally got around to wrapping it up.
My thought was this: social media apps (such as Facebook and Twitter) are amazing tools, and we use them as “containers” to neatly organize our personal lives. Never before in history have we had a platform to to express ourselves and pour our personal information out to the world for all to see – and I find it fascinating to see what society fills those “containers” with. I wanted to create a set of illustrations that captured that line of thinking.
Since I already had a basic screwed-together Facebook logo icon built, I decided to disassemble it and place the primary focus on the inside. The icon has been split in half, and the top portion has been set to the side to reveal the inside section – which just so happens to look like an injection-molded plastic piece. Some are more abstract than others, but it was fun to think about the logo as a container and placing objects inside of it to represent different conceptual ideas.

Facebook logos and Like buttons in stadiums
I’ve always thought about building a 3d illustration of a stadium (because it’s such a great metaphor for lots of stuff), but with all my other projects going on I never got around to doing it. With Football being so popular in the US, I was inspired to get it done. I think it turned out ok – it’s rather simple, of course, but I think it’s good enough to use in a wide variety of other stock illustrations I have in mind. At the very least, I hope it proves to be a valuable asset in the Norebbo stock illustration archive over the long term.
Anyway, here we go: Facebook logos with a sports theme:
- A rectangular Facebook logo icon sitting on the field of a soccer stadium
- Top down view of a large sports stadium with a Facebook Like button printed on the field
- A blue Facebook Logo printed on the field of a football stadium
- A metallic blue Facebook Like button sitting on the field of a large sports arena
- A silver and rectangular Facebook Like button placed inside of a stadium
- 3d illustration of a top down view of a large sports stadium with a square Facebook app icon sitting on the field
Facebook logos in the cloud
It has happened. Our networks and systems have moved to the cloud. I’m normally pretty stubborn in some ways but I’ve got to admit that I was diggin’ the whole “cloud” movement once I saw it’s advantages. I likde the fact that I can access my data from any device at any time and at any location – and it made life a lot easier for me as I tried to keep all of my content in sync and organized. Yes, I am an organization freak…
Anyway, I have been meaning to create a batch of conceptual cloud illustrations for a while now, but something as organic and abstract such as this didn’t jive nicely with my rendering and illustration style (which a colleague of mine refers to as “manly and rigid”). I’ve tried many different ways of creating iconic metal and glass clouds, but it was only recently that I was able to come up with something I was satisfied with.
Combine that with the fact that I’ve had an itch to create more Facebook logo illustrations, and…well…what you see below is the result. I’ll fully admit that rendering cloud illustrations with Facebook logos and app icons inside of them isn’t really all that clever and useful, but I’m glad now that I’ve got this cloud illustration thing figured out and I can creates some more images with better concepts behind them.
Facebook logos and object icons
The following simple object icon illustrations are extremely useful (I hope). They consist of one main large object with a supporting smaller sub-object placed in front to convey a conceptual idea or single metaphor. And since they are rendered over a white background and surface, they are easy to extract in Photoshop with a bit of masking. They all feature metallic Facebook logos – of course.
Hi there Scott, i just wrote a blog about Facebook addiction and was looking for a logo to create infographics when i discovered your page. I wish to download and use some of your logos to create the infographics on and give you the credit at the end. I hope it’s alright with you.
Absolutely – I hope my images work well for you!
hi Scott! your artwork is so beautiful and I’m sure the frutiger aero community will love it so much! I was just wondering if you could make a picture of this icon facing the front?
Thanks Ahmed! It’s been so long since I did these illustrations that I forgot I even did them lol. I still tinker with 3d illustration from time to time, so there is a chance that some of this older work will see a refresh. We’ll see.